Yahoo Mail SMTP Setup

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Yahoo Mail SMTP Setup

Once you have created a Yahoo! Mail account you will need to create a password for the recorder.


1. Go to  you will be prompted to sign in with your account details if you are not already signed in.


2. Click on ‘Generate app password’.







3. In the drop down list of apps select ‘Other app’ and enter a name for your device and click Generate.


AppPasswords1 AppPasswords2 AppPasswords3


Note. Pressing ‘Done’ will close the window and you will not be able to see the password again. If you forget the password you will have to generate another one.



4. Enter details in the DVR\NVR


Encryption – Can be left at Auto or TLS for ports 25 and 587, SSL for port 465.

Port – 25, 587 or 465. Check encryption above.

SMTP Server –

Username – Yahoo! Username.

Password – App password just created. Enter the password without spaces.

Sender – Used to identify the sending device. This appears as From: in the received email.

Receiver – up to 3 email addresses, Receive Password allows the recipient to receive a password reset email with full admin rights.

Interval – Sets the minimum time between emails.